Lead The Way…

Written by NAMA on Monday, May 18, 2009 , 12:26 pm

Make the most of your membership by taking a committee role at the chapter level or national level. Gain hands-on leadership experience that will benefit you in your professional and personal life.

Chapter and national leaders are currently recruiting committee members. If you are interested in becoming a member of a chapter or national committee fill out the online form at http://www.nama.org/leader/leaderform.htm or contact your chapter president. A list of chapter president’s can be found at http://www.nama.org/chapters/chapterlist.htm.

Note: Chapter Presidents, if you have your leaders already selected for the upcoming 2009-2010 program year, please submit them to Linda Schaefer at the NAMA office at lindas@nama.org.

Leader Awards Announced

Written by NAMA on Monday, May 18, 2009 , 12:26 pm

NAMA named the organization’s national leadership award recipients during the Second General Session of the 2009 Agri-Marketing Conference on April 16.

The President’s Award was given to Jenny Pickett, National NAMA; Patty Travis, 5MetaCom, received the R.C. Ferguson Award; The Workhorse of the Year Award was given to Bob Wilhelm, AdFarm; Sally Behringer, Nicholson Kovac, received the Outstanding Chair Award; Kenna Rathai, Kenna B. Rathai Communications, took home the Dilworth Award for Innovation.

In addition, there were six recipients of the Horizon Award. Horizon Awards recognize achievements by up-and-coming members of the organization on local, regional and national levels. Formerly titled the Meritorious Achievement Awards, they honor the efforts of emerging NAMA leaders. The six recipients of the Horizon Awards are: Lori Strum, Strategic America; Marvin Kokes, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association; Matt Coniglio, Fastline Publications; Greg Ehm, Two Rivers Marketing Group; Catherine Wang, Gibbs & Soell Public Relations; and Krista Wolf, GROWMARK.

NAMA Leader Awards

Written by Chuck on Thursday, April 16, 2009 , 2:03 pm

NAMA 09 Leon WestbrockHighlights of this morning’s general session at NAMA 2009 included the presentation of the annual Agribusiness Leader and Marketer of the Year awards.

CHS Energy Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Leon Westbrock was named the 2009 NAMA Agribusiness Leader of the Year. Leon is responsible for refineries, pipelines, refined fuels sales, marketing and distribution, lubricants and propane. He joined the cooperative system in 1976 and managed three local cooperatives before joining the regional system. Westbrock was born and raised on his family’s 640-acre small grain and dairy farm near Browns Valley, Minn.

NAMA 09 Jon AndersonJon Anderson, President of OPEN ROADS, received the 2009 NAMA Marketer of the Year award. Jon and two of his colleagues created the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, business growth and development services firm, in 2002. Last year, Anderson and his team at OPEN ROADS celebrated their six-year anniversary of the firm. Starting their business with no clients and no business, Anderson has helped grow OPEN ROADS into a highly successful business growth and development firm. Their business now includes 12 clients and a half dozen consulting associates.

Thanks again to Denny Eilers for the photos. We just haven’t been able to be everywhere today – but we are working on getting that cloning done!

NAMA Photo Album

NAMA Welcomes New Leaders

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 , 1:23 pm

Join us in welcoming new leaders for the 2009 calendar year!

Regional Directors
The regional director election is over and the newest regional directors have been selected. A regional director serves as a director for two years. Terms within a region are staggered so one director from a region retires from the board each year. Below are the newest and current regional directors by region:

Region I
(new) Joseph Middione, Jr., AGRIAN
Diana “Dee” Monsen, CAPCA

Region II
(new) Becky Rasmussen, Drake & Company/Natl. Christmas Tree Assn.
Kendal Frazier, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

Region III
(new) Bev Larson, NK Seeds
Colin Clarke, AdFarm

Region IV
(new) Sheri Seger, DTN/The Progressive Farmer
Krista Wolf, GROWMARK, Inc.

Region V
(new) R. Frank Timberlake, R.F. Timberlake & Company, Inc.
Allison Bass, AGCO Corporation

Region VI
(new) Andy Vance, AdVance Broadcast & Communications, Ltd.
Gardner Hatch, Gibbs & Soell Public Relations

Executive Committee
Qualifications of an Executive Committee member are: (1) Be an active, dues-paying member of NAMA; (2) Have served as president of an affiliated chapter or as chair of a council or national committee or as a regional director; (3) The President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer must have served on the Executive Committee as a Vice President. The Executive Committee is elected by the Board of Directors by a majority affirmative vote at the annual Board of Directors meeting with nominations by the following procedures: (1) A five-member Nominating Committee prepares a slate consisting of one or more nominees for each retiring office of the Executive Committee and presents that slate to the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee consists of: The immediate past president, who will serve as chair; The next, most recent, past president who agrees to serve; One current chapter president (appointed by the chair); and two other current members of the Board of Directors who are not chapter presidents (appointed by the chair). Nominations may be made from the floor during the annual Board of Directors meeting by any director. Nominees must give oral or written consent to serve prior to nomination. Every effort is made to assure a balanced representation of the various components and geographical diversity of the agri-marketing industry on the Executive Committee. Officers elected to the Executive Committee at the annual meeting will take office on January 1, 2009.

The 2009 Executive Committee Members are:

National President
Carol Anderson, Mariposa Partners

National President-Elect
Susie Decker, Farm Progress Companies

Vicki Henrickson, Blasdel Cleaver Schwalbe Communications

Vice Presidents
Barry Nelson, John Deere
Beth Burgy, Broadhead + Company
Paul Redhage, FMC Agricultural Products
Robert Ratliff, ProfitableFarming.com
(new) Ken Dean, High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal
(new) Kenna Rathai, Kenna B. Rathai Communications

Congratulations and welcome new leaders!

Regional Director Election

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 , 2:04 pm

The position of Regional Director has become an important link between chapter and national levels. Regional Directors have taken a leadership role in organizing regional leader training, workshops and awards banquets. We appreciate the vision and service that these Regional Directors provide to NAMA. It is now time to elect the Regional Directors for the upcoming program year which begins January 1, 2009.

Two Regional Directors from each region serve on the National Board of Directors in addition to the president of each chapter. The term of office for a Regional Director is two years with the terms staggered so one director will retire each year. The NAMA Bylaws require that there is at least one nominee and no more than two nominees for any open Regional Director position.

All members from a region vote to elect the Regional Director. If you have an associate membership in a chapter(s) in another region, you may vote in each region that you have chapter membership (however, you may only vote once in any one region).

To view information on the nominee(s) and to vote please visit

NAMA Membership Campaign

Written by NAMA on Friday, October 17, 2008 , 6:57 am

Recruit a business associate, peer, or friend as a new NAMA member before November 5 and both of you will be in a drawing for a new GPS!

Tell your friends, peers, and business associates how you benefit from being a member of NAMA – the learning and networking opportunities, skill development, access to agribusiness solutions, etc.

Every NAMA member who recruits a new member between now and November 5 will be included in a drawing for a new GPS. The more new members you recruit – the better your chances. New members will have their names entered, too.

Simply tell your recruit to join on-line at http://www.nama.org/join.html and include your name in the “Referred by” box or have them call the NAMA office at 913-491-6500 to join and remind them to say they were referred by you! Be sure to tell them they’ll be included in the drawing.

When will the drawing take place? During Trends in Agriculture, which takes place November 11 and 12 at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City. We’d love to have you there, but you don’t have to be present to win.

Attention Chapter Leaders

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 , 12:14 pm

It’s that time of year when you are busy planning your chapter meetings for the 2008-2009 program year. This is just a reminder to submit your upcoming meetings to Debbie Brummel at the National Office at debbieb@nama.org, to get them listed on the NAMA Calendar of Events.

In addition, if you’ve already hosted events, please submit any pictures or write-ups to Debbie as well. No time to do an entire feature article on your meeting or event? No problem, simply download this helpful document and fill out some brief information about your meeting or event, then email it back to Debbie Brummel at debbieb@nama.org.

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