On October 23, 2007, Greg Twist, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Soybean and Corn Processing for Ag Processing, Inc. (AGP), spoke to the Midlands NAMA chapter about VISTIVE® low-linolenic soybeans.
AGP was one of the initial VISTIVE soybean processors to partner with Monsanto when the low-linolenic characteristic was introduced into the marketplace in 2005. The company has expanded to seven processing facilities from its initial two plants in the first year. The seventh plant was just added in 2007. “This could mean $25 to $30 or more per acre to the soybean farmer,” said Greg Twist. “We feel this is a win-win opportunity for Midwestern producers to earn a higher return on their soybean acres while providing consumers with healthier oil.”
The addition will allow even more Midwestern farmers an opportunity to earn a significant premium by growing the trait-enhanced soybeans. VISTIVE soybeans contain three percent linolenic acid as compared to the typical eight percent level found in traditional soybeans. VISTIVE low-linolenic soybean oil enables food companies such as the Kellogg Company, KFC Corporation, and Ventura Foods to reduce transfats in their products and frying oils.
As the American consumer is focusing on a healthier diet and with Government regulations focused on cutting fats from the American diet, VISTIVE low-linolenic soybeans are the first of many output traits being developed that can meet a consumer demand. Previous traits developed, like Roundup Ready, have focused on improving a grower’s operation. This focus on meeting a consumer demand will cause a shift in growers’ decision-making process.