A Fresh New Look
NAMA is excited to roll out our new E-News format! Here’s to a fresh new look for 2014. Hope to see you all in Jacksonville, April 9-11.
NAMA is excited to roll out our new E-News format! Here’s to a fresh new look for 2014. Hope to see you all in Jacksonville, April 9-11.
NAMA is pleased to announce KBM Group, the global leader in knowledge-based marketing solutions, as a new Sustaining Partner.
“KBM Group helps its Fortune 1000 clients achieve remarkably better returns on their marketing investment by unlocking the value in their data and putting it to work,” said Jenny Pickett, NAMA Executive Vice President/CEO, in announcing the partnership. “Their support is not only an endorsement of the industry and the Association today, but also a pledge to help us—and our members— continue to be at the forefront of agricultural marketing in the years to come. We are delighted with this statement of support.”
As a Sustaining Partner, KBM Group will receive additional exposure at upcoming NAMA events and on the Association’s website, Pickett explained.
The Agriculture Council of America (ACA) and Meredith AgriMedia encouraged young artists to celebrate modern agriculture through the 2nd annual National Ag Day Poster Art Contest. A winning original piece of art has been chosen as the Official National Ag Day poster.
Congratulations to Brittany Plachecki, Kansas City Art Institute, for being selected the winner of the contest. Plachecki was selected amoung many young artists in the competition. The contest theme was Agriculture: 365 Sunrises and 7 Billion Mouths to Feed . Entries were screened by a nine member jury and finalists were judged through online voting to determine the winner.
In addition, her artwork and a profile of Plachecki will be prominently featured in Successful Farming magazine and Ag Day correspondence. She will receive a $1,000 scholarship from Meredith AgriMedia. Media releases will also be sent to all Ag Day sponsors and supporters. The artist will receive a portion of the proceeds from limited edition prints and the original artwork will be on display in a public location.
National Ag Day is organized by the Agriculture Council of America. ACA is a nonprofit organization composed of leaders in the agricultural, food and fiber community, dedicating its efforts to increasing the public’s awareness of agriculture’s role in modern society.
The National Ag Day program encourages every American to:
On March 25, 2014, the ACA will host major events in the nation’s capital including the Mix-and-Mingle Luncheon and the National Celebration of Agriculture Dinner. Additionally, the ACA will bring approximately 100 college students to Washington to deliver the message of Ag Day to the Hill.
These events honor National Agriculture Day and mark a nationwide effort to tell the true story of American agriculture and remind citizens that agriculture is a part of all of us. A number of producers, agricultural associations, corporations, students and government organizations involved in agriculture are expected to participate.
Watch for details at www.agday.org.
Mark your calendars for these important dates to upcoming NAMA Partnership Events. Watch for more details.
NAMA Producer Panel at the NCBA Convention
Nashville, TN
February 4th, 2014
1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
NAMA and AAEA co-host Reception at Commodity Classic
San Antonio, TX
February 28, 2014
4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
A special thanks to all of the leaders that served this past year. A special note of thanks to Paul Redhage, FMC, and Sally Behringer, MustangRed Communications who will be leaving the NAMA Executive Committee. And welcome to Scott McClure, Brighton Agency, and Amber Harrision, United Suppliers, who join the Executive Committee in 2014.
At the board meeting in September the board voted to discontinue the Regional Director position and add the National Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs to the Board of Directors. We look forward to the coming year.
Congratulations to Molly Toot, at United Suppliers in Ames, Iowa, for winning a mini iPad from NAMA on December 10. Molly’s name was included in a drawing because she referred a new member to NAMA.
The National Agri-Marketing Association and the Agricultural Relations Council co-sponsored a webinar on December 10th presented by Janice Person, Social Media Director at Monsanto Company, titled “Critics in the Social Media Sphere.”
The highly successful webinar spoke to how social media has empowered individuals and small groups to build the reach of their voices online, which has greatly shifted the way issues management is handled now as compared to the past. Janice addressed preparing for online controversy and shared a combination of approaches for social media outreach. For example, what are some of the steps to be considered both proactively and reactively? Attendees heard some of the social media lessons learned both individually and professionally at one of agriculture’s most socially discussed businesses.
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