Cornhusker NAMA Channels of Integrated Marketing

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 16, 2013 , 6:06 pm

cornpotatoCornhusker NAMA members learned how to navigate the various channels of integrated marketing in November. Speaker and fellow NAMA member, Brent Pohlman, Marketing Director at Midwest Laboratories, shared his insight on how to integrate social media into your marketing plan.

Pohlman shared that his company has found success in using social media largely because of two initiatives “First, we try to be different in our social media. It was important for us to figure out how we could stand out.”  He added, “Consistency is the second most important item when it comes to building an online community.”

The group continued to share their best practices. These ranged from including a call to action in all social media to adding Google authorship to online content. Plus, many more tips were shared in this interactive session.

As a fun group activity, attendees learned how to drive a straw through a raw potato.  Yes, it can be done.

MoKan NAMA Discusses Global Ag Competition

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 16, 2013 , 6:04 pm

MoKan-11-2013-Event_1MoKan NAMA members met up for a fun and informational luncheon at the Cashew on Grand in Downtown Kansas City.  NAMA members enjoyed a catered lunch and an interesting presentation given by J.J. Jones, marketing and trade director at the Kansas Department of Agriculture.  J.J. opened MoKan members’ eyes to the growing global competitive market for agriculture, and offered insightful examples from his international travels, working on behalf of the Kansas Department of Agriculture.  J.J. not only works to promote Kansas agriculture exports, but to also foster relationships, particularly in the cattle industry, with emerging markets.  J.J. has recently been working with a young Russian ranching operation with more than 300,000 mother cows.



Iowa NAMA November Program

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 16, 2013 , 6:02 pm

Maximize Your Advertising Strategies and ROI – New Media Planning Tool from NAFB

 Presenters for the Iowa NAMA November Program:  Sara Steever, VP, Digital Services and Greg Guse, President, Paulsen Marketing

What began as a sketch on a napkin by a few National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) members has become a way to help media professionals find farm broadcast opportunities. NAFB took the idea from that sketch to Paulsen, asking to develop an online application that helps media buyers and agencies understand and plan their farm broadcasting opportunities within their geo-footprint. The end result is a powerful web application that brings together four separate sources of data-NAFB member information, USDA census data, Ag Media Research (AMR) data and standardized signal mapping of coverage areas-together in an easy-to-use interface. The data is then combined with Google’s mapping API (Application Programming Interface).

Here’s how it works:
Media buyers select states or counties that fit their client’s territory. They can use USDA heat maps to determine the best producing counties or states for commodities. Once those selections are made, all NAFB member stations and networks pop up on the map interface. The media buyer can click to learn more about those members, including contact information. Automatically-generated AMR data matches the county footprint selected, and that data can be exported into Excel. Media buyers can save their work and return later to edit the saved data or create more new territories. NAFB member stations, networks and rep firms can add information like farm broadcaster bios and programming schedules into the system, so media buyers can contact NAFB members for their media purchases. There are quick reference tools for TV and online broadcast members as well as stations, networks and rep firms.

Iowa NAMA Learns How to Maximize Trade Show ROI

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 16, 2013 , 6:00 pm

iowa1Iowa NAMA members gathered at Skyline Exhibits in Des Moines for their October program.  “Maximize Your Trade Show ROI,” was presented by Cari Vilas-Rosno, who shared industry insights on effective trade show marketing, best practices and ways to calculate your trade show return. Trade shows are a value because 84% of visitors have some kind of buying power and 49% plan to purchase in the next 12 months.  Cost per lead and sale from a show is about 38% lower than from the field.  Best practices include: set measurable objectives, create benchmarks for your metrics and compare, calculate metrics within two weeks of show, share results, and create a budget that makes sense for the event. Cari also discussed industry averages and ROI and cost per lead calculations.

If you would like more information on this presentation please contact: Maureen Roushar at [email protected].

GROWMARK Becomes NAMA Sustaining Partner

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 , 2:46 pm

NAMA is pleased to announced  that GROWMARK, a cooperative organization based in Bloomington, Illinois, has become a NAMA Sustaining Partner.

Through an affiliated network of supply and grain cooperatives, GROWMARK provides their customers with everything they need to be successful in the agriculture industry. Their divisions work together seamlessly to provide their member-owners and customers with not only the products they know and trust, but also the means to deliver, market, and store those products

“GROWMARK is one of the cooperatives in agri-marketing,” said Jenny Pickett, NAMA Executive Vice President/CEO, in announcing the partnership. “Their support is not only an endorsement of the industry and the Association today, but also a pledge to help us—and our members— continue to be at the forefront of agricultural marketing in the years to come. We are delighted with this statement of support.”

As a Sustaining Partner, GROWMARK will receive additional exposure at upcoming NAMA events and on the Association’s website, Pickett explained.

“GROWMARK has supported NAMA in a variety of ways for more than 15 years,” according to Amy Bradford, GROWMARK corporate relations manager. “To be able to expand this support with a Sustaining Partnership is an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. NAMA conferences and leader opportunities play a direct role in the professional and personal development of GROWMARK staff.”


GROWMARK is a regional cooperative with annual sales of $10.1 billion (FY 2013 data) providing agronomy, energy, facility planning, and logistics products and services, as well as grain marketing and risk management services in more than 40 states and Ontario, Canada.  GROWMARK owns the FS trademark, which is used by affiliated member cooperatives.  More information is available at

Register for the Critics in Social Media Sphere Webinar

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 2, 2013 , 8:55 am

Critics in the Social Media Sphere
Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at 1:00 pm central time

The National Agri-Marketing Association and the Agricultural Relations Council invite you to participate in their webinar on Tuesday, December 10, at 1:00 pm central time.

webinarPersonPresented by Janice Person, Social Media Director at Monsanto Company

Social media has empowered individuals and small groups to build the reach of their voices online, shifting the way issues management is done for many. How likely are you to encounter controversy? What are some of the steps you should consider proactively and reactively? When should you engage? Hear some of the lessons learned by participating in social media both individually and professionally at one of agriculture’s most socially discussed businesses.

Register to attend NAMA’s next webinar on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at 1:00 pm central time.

2014 Agri-Marketing Conference Registration Open

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 2, 2013 , 8:51 am


Registration is now open for the 2014 Agri-Marketing Conference, April 9 – 11, in Jacksonville, Florida. Visit for conference and registration details.

Gain a fresh perspective on your career and the big issues facing ag and agri-marketers today.  NAMA is putting you front and center with internationally known experts on:

  • Brand positioning
  • Cultures of Innovation
  • Blending big picture ideas with strategic planning
  • And more…


Featuring Keynoters for 2014:

ryan_estisRyan Estis
Chief Experience Officer, Ryan Estis & Associates

The Brand Experience:  HOW You Do Business
is the Ultimate Competitive Advantage

Successful brands serve as a promise about an experience that creates expectations in the hearts and minds of customers and employees. The ability to influence culture will define and determine the impact of your brand experience. In this high energy, high-impact keynote, Ryan will examine how culture can be a catalyst for success.

connie_podestaConnie Podesta
Motivational Keynote Speaker, Sales and Leadership Keynote Speaker, Certified Counselor, Author, Human Behavior Expert

STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD: How to Be #1 and Stay There!

Business as usual? No way! Status quo? Move over! Change? Get used to it! Bottom line: Your future success depends on your ability to outshine past performance…out-think old ideas… and outmaneuver anyone who says it can’t be done. You and your brand have to be so extraordinarily unique and vital that people will choose to do business with you instead of your competitor! Ready? Meet Human Relations expert Connie Podesta. Refreshingly candid and to the point, she’ll bring out your edgy, creative, competitive side as she takes you inside the minds of today’s savvy, but super-demanding global market. Connie will share some powerhouse strategies to help you increase sales, profits, good will and your customer base. Isn’t it time you accelerated past the competition and enjoyed the benefits of being #1? Let Connie show you how.

john_izzoDr. John Izzo
Corporate Advisor, Best-selling Author

Stepping Up Your Game in Work & Life

Why do some people keep growing and going to the next level in terms of business success and personal fulfillment? Stepping up means taking the personal initiative to set higher goals and seek feedback. Dr. Izzo will inspire you to make a bigger difference for your clients, connect more deeply with those you serve, and reveal the secrets to lifelong success.

, checkout our fantastic breakout lineup:

  • Next Level Leadership: Managing for Breakthrough Performance
  • Measuring Social Media Marketing ROI
  • Public Relations:  The Evolution Continues
  • cre-a-tive (kre-a-tiv):  Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas
  • Food for Thought:  An In Depth Ag-Marketing Case Study
  • How to Get What You Want…The Right Way The Power of  Persuasion and Purpose
  • Branding from the Inside Out:  Engaged Associates Drive Your Brand
  • Marketing to Multiple Generations at the Same Time, From the Same Budget:  Producer Panel
  • The Power of Consumers to Shape a Business Model

Visit for Breakout details and schedule.

Looking for opportunities to place your company’s products and services before decision-makers in the ag marketplace?  NAMA’s Connection Point is for you.  Click here for details or contact Jan Cichello at 913-491-6500.

Looking for other ways to get noticed?  Get in touch with Jenny Pickett about terrific sponsorship opportunities.

Register today to save money and get a jump on your 2014 calender!

This Web site is hosted by the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA).
NAMA is not responsible for comments or views expressed by users.