Win an iPad Mini!

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 2, 2013 , 8:50 am

Recruit A Member And You Could Win An iPad Mini

Wouldn’t a new iPad Mini be cool to win just before the holidays?  Recruit someone you know to become a NAMA member and be entered into a drawing for an iPad Mini.  The member-get-a-member campaign will run through December 9.  The drawing will take place on December 10.  The more members you recruit, the more your name will be entered into the drawing!

Share with your friends, peers and business associates how you benefit from being a member of NAMA – the learning and networking opportunities, skill development, access to agribusiness solutions, etc.

Simply tell your recruit to join on-line at and add your name and company in the box titled “Referred By.”  They can also call the NAMA office at 913-491-6500 to join; remind them to say they were referred by you!

North Central NAMA November Event

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 2, 2013 , 8:40 am

nocMembers of the North Central NAMA Chapter volunteered on Monday, November 11, at the Emergency Foodshelf Network headquarters in New Hope, MN.  They helped with projects such as packing food into boxes in an assembly line, re-packaging bulk food in smaller bags for more manageable distribution and sorting through donated food and packing it in boxes for food shelves.

10 people participated, including 3 volunteers from the Student NAMA chapter.  1,068 meals were packed that fed over 248 families in need for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Badger NAMA Panel Discussion

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 2, 2013 , 8:39 am

Three Milwaukee-area consumer media professionals shared their experiences and insight with Badger NAMA members in November.  The panel discussion took place in Milwaukee’s historic Third Ward.  Moderator Andrea Bloom, Vita Plus, grilled the panel to learn how ag communicators can most effectively use mainstream news to reach consumers. Panelists included Stephanie Graham of WTMJ TV, Gitte Laasby from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Jeff Tyler of Clear Channel Radio. Some of the best advice was related to how to catch – and keep – their attention:

  •  “Why do I care? If I am bored with your press release after 10 seconds, it won’t get on air. If it isn’t worth sharing in social media to friends, don’t send it to the media.” – Jeff Tyler
  •  “Raw milk is the new black – if you pitch a story that will garner interest, we’ll cover it.  If people care, we care.” – Gitte Laasby
  •  “An email with a follow-up call is the way to go. Don’t get gimmicky.  Be a real person if you want me to tell your story.” – Stephanie Graham
  • “Be the expert between stories, not during the crisis. That’s how you get to be the go-to when I need real answers.” – Jeff Tyler

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