Welcome to the 2015 Executive Committee!

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 , 2:13 pm

Introducing the 2015 Executive Committee Members

The National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) has introduced the 2015 Executive Committee members. Please welcome the officers below:

Marvin Kokes professional picPRESIDENT
Marvin Kokes, Rocky Mountain Chapter/NCBA

Marvin Kokes is the Senior Vice President of Industry and Member Services for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. His responsibilities include NCBA policy division revenues including membership, sponsorships, NCBA’s Cattlemen to Cattlemen sales, advertising sales, corporate membership, special projects, producer education, Beef Quality Assurance program and Conventions and Meetings.

Prior to joining NCBA in 1992, Marvin was a loan officer and field representative at the Production Credit Association in Monte Vista, CO and also at the Greeley, Colorado Farm Credit Services. Marvin grew up in northeastern Colorado on a cow-calf and dryland wheat operation, near the town of Crook. Marvin has a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing from Colorado State University. He has two brothers who run the fourth generation commercial cow-calf operation and brothers-in-law who are farmer/feeders and commercial feedyard managers.

Matt Coniglio Profile PicturePRESIDENT-ELECT
Matt Coniglio, Chesapeake Chapter/Penton Farm Progress

Matt Coniglio is National Account Manager for Penton Farm Progress.

In this role he works with companies and agencies in the eastern half of the U.S. Together, they develop marketing strategies for campaigns utilizing the company’s suite of media options: print, digital, broadcast and events.

Bradford_Amy 11a

Amy Bradford, Heartland Chapter/GROWMARK, Inc.

Amy Bradford is corporate relations manager for GROWMARK, responsible for the development and implementation of the cooperative’s corporate communications strategy including employee, member and external communications; proactive corporate media relations and public relations; cooperative education and awareness; and the cooperative’s annual meeting. She also oversees GROWMARK’s philanthropic efforts, and manages The GROWMARK Foundation.


Headshot Gary Sakin-Gary Sakin 
 Gateway Chapter






-Sara Steever
 Northern Prairie Chapter






BuggA-Amy Bugg
 Missouri-Kansas Chapter
 Verdesian Life Sciences






Sheri Seeger, ad sales staff, Chicago-Sheri Seger
 Chicago Chapter
 DTN/The Progressive Farmer





Harrison_A3-Amber Harrison
 Iowa Chapter
 United Suppliers, Inc.





McClureIMG_2-Scott McClure
 Gateway Chapter
 Brighton Agency




2015 AMC Breakout Session Highlights

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 , 2:11 pm


2:00-3:00 P.M.

Jim-Crupi3Leadership: “If I Take Away Your Title,  Will They Follow You?”

Do you have what it takes to be a leader in the information age? Dr. Jim Crupi will help you understand leadership in these quickly evolving times and explain the truth of a paradox: Your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness.

He’ll show you that in today’s world, people are substituting belief for knowledge and hope for expectation, and what implications this has for you as a leader. You’ll also learn six principles of leadership to secure your position as a knowledgeable and trusted leader:

—From Manager to Leader
—Six Attributes Needed by Leaders in the 21st  Century
—Getting Peak Performance from People
—Strategic Leadership
—Building High Performance Teams
—Why Decision Speed is Everything

Bringing Consumer Digital to the Ag Worldmaureen streett

Consumer brands are historically first-to- market with innovative digital thinking and tactics. In this session, Maureen Streett will explore how—and why—some of those tactics can be easily and effectively applied to agri-marketing.

Maureen Streett is currently with SapientNitro. She has been building and deploying integrated digital media strategies for the past eight years, and has spent time at agencies in Atlanta and San Francisco, with some of the nation’s most recognizable brands, including Coca-Cola, Delta, Taco Bell and eBay.

Born on a farm, raised in 4-H, and surrounded by a family in agribusiness, Maureen’s passion lies in bringing innovative C2C thinking to the world of agri-marketing.

darren markVideo Content is King
DARREN MARK, Scenic Road Productions

It’s on virtually every top marketing trend list in the worldwide hunger for visual content.  In fact, online video consumption has skyrocketed by 800% since 2008. But simply having video isn’t enough. It needs to be effective.

Darren Mark, partner at Scenic Road Productions, will take you on a tour of video content and show you why video is taking the marketing industry by storm. You’ll learn what makes viewers keep watching and see examples of effective videos. He’ll share the pitfalls to avoid and fill you in on emerging video trends.

After graduating from NYU film school, Darren worked in producing capacities for HGTV and Hearst Television. His position as a network affiliate feature reporter took him through the next 10 years. He then co-founded Scenic Road with his partner, Kevin Schwarzenberger. Today, the two of them tell stories for some of the world’s most exciting brands including Monsanto, Merial and J.P. Morgan.

Chris-Fischer[2]Tapping Pivotal Talent to Stay
Ahead of the Curve

Winning in the marketplace requires the foresight to identify gaps between current actions and future needs. By taking cues from the science of human behavior, you can gain a competitive advantage when you ask the right questions of your organization’s strategic imperatives. Christopher Fischer can show you how the answers you uncover will help you align pivotal resources and invest for success.

Christopher Fischer is Director of Organizational Effectiveness within Business Development Services at Land  O’ Lakes, Inc. He has several years of experience in Industrial Organizational Psychology, Human Resources consulting and talent management.

Prior to joining Land O’ Lakes, Inc., Christopher worked as an industrial psychologist, operating his own consulting business. He has worked with many leaders from several organizations delivering executive coaching, facilitating leadership workshops and assessing top talent.  Before starting his own business, Christopher worked as a consultant and manager in the global consulting firm Personnel Decisions International.

4:00-5:00 P.M.

Brand You: 10 Strategies to Re-Image YOU


This intensive workshop is a continuation of the information Dr. Freiberg shared in her keynote presentation.  If you’re ready to embrace a proven plan to improve your leadership skills and inspire confidence in your abilties, you won’t want to miss this one.

In this drilled down breakout session, Dr. Freiberg builds on the concepts she shared in her keynote. Plus, she’ll challenge you to engage in a journey of personal and professional development by embracing 10 specific strategies to build a more intentional  and memorable brand.

BuntingGrowing Great Creative: Multisensory Marketing For Maximum Impact
PHILIP BUNTING, Americhip, Inc. 

Want to “bond” your target customer to your brand at a deeply emotional level and in entirely new ways? Join Philip Bunting, national account manager with Americhip, Inc., as he introduces you to technologies that employ sight, sound, touch, taste and smell to elevate your brand to an emotional connection and trigger customer responses that conventional communication methods simply cannot achieve.

Specializing in hybrid communications and specialty printing that marry the analog experience of print with the new frontiers of digital technology, Bunting will share with you new and original ways to capture, educate and influence your audience.

Americhip, Inc. is the global leader in the design, development and production of multisensory and digital solutions in marketing, advertising and communications. Americhip collaborates with leading companies in every vertical and their agencies to create high-impact campaigns that captivate audiences through expert integration of various technologies into print media, publishing, packaging and displays. Americhip is also the inventor of Video in Print, an innovative technology that incorporates live video into print communications and point of sale displays. On the technology innovation front, Americhip is now developing applications around RFID,  NFC, BLE and Augmented Reality.

kevin-scenic roadsdarren markDIY Video: Tips for Production 
Scenic Road Productions 

Video cameras are the new still cameras. They’re everywhere, they’re affordable and they’re easy to use.

This means marketing professionals have a growing responsibility to develop in-house video content.  But without training or experience, marketing directors turned videographers are producing work defined by shadowy lighting, hollow audio and questionable framing.

The principals at Scenic Road Productions draw from their experience in broadcast, cable and corporate video to lead you through tips for producing professional web videos. You’ll learn:

—How to use a camera, microphone and tripod
—How to light an interview
—How to frame the best shots
—Zoom lens 101
—And much more …

Wally SnyderGoing Native: Can Multi-Media Advertising Pass Media Ethics Sniff Test?
Advertising Federation

It’s a great time to be in advertising, with new trends popping up all over. But do these trends conflict with American Business Media and American Agricultural Editors’ Association ethical guidelines in how they are created and disseminated to audiences?

This session is not a heavy-handed sermon. But rather, a frank discussion of new methods and how the trend to combine digital, print and broadcast direct-delivery buys creates potential for ethical, ownership and legal conflicts for journalists, publishers, advertisers and agencies. Agency account managers, creative/design personnel, media buyers, ad sales reps and publishing staff will all benefit from this discussion about how to sharpen that blurry line between editorial content and advertising in new media.

Wally Snyder has devoted his professional career to establishing the importance of advertising to consumers and to the economy. A lawyer  with a J.D. degree from the University of Iowa College of Law, Snyder spent 16 years at the Federal Trade Commission in the field of advertising law and policy. He litigated and argued on appeal national cases, and he then advanced to associate director for advertising practices becoming the Commission’s liaison to the advertising industry.

9:00-10:00 A.M.

randy shanksThe Drive to Feed the World

Why is public opinion of our industry headed in the wrong direction? We assume people will research the facts … WRONG! We have been fighting the war on the wrong front. Randy Shanks will show you how to get involved in a bold new movement to reshape public opinion and why our strategy is working. This battle is too important. We must win not only for the sake of our industry, but more importantly, for the millions of innocent children who will be affected if we don’t.

The first phase of this effort has been the Chew on This Tour (www.drivetofeed.com), a unique interactive road show traveling the nation to heighten awareness about one of the biggest problems facing our world, hunger. The tour has stopped at feed mills, universities, fairs, state capitols and civic events around the country.

Phase two has been the production of a feature length movie, “Ivy League Farmer.” The movie tells the story of a young man returning home after finishing college and learning of the financial challenges facing the family farm. His journey exposes him to the importance of new, production enhancing technologies and the misconceptions that exist about modern farm practices. The goal of the movie is to reveal to the general public the challenges that face production animal agriculture in supplying enough food to a growing population.

Randy has been with Nutra Blend LLC for more than 12 years. He currently serves as National Director of Sales.

mike-brown2Busting Creativity Barriers—An Inspiring Dose of Brainzooming
MIKE BROWN, The Brainzooming Group

Creative instigators do more than simply suggest or encourage creativity. Being a creative instigator means cultivating your own creativity, serving as an energy source to trigger it in others, and making sure all of your creative efforts support your team accomplishing its goals. Fan your creative sparks in this fun, highly interactive creativity event. You’ll learn tools and techniques to help you:

—Awaken and strengthen your creative talents and those of your team
—Incorporate Brainzooming to foster creativity in diverse aspects of your life
—More effectively battle internal and external forces that stifle creativity and accomplishment

Mike Brown is the founder of The Brainzooming™ Group. He has been at the forefront of leading Fortune 500 culture change, contributing new approaches in research, developing simplified tools for strategic planning, and aligning organizational objectives and implementation tactics for maximum impact.

He has extensive experience on the corporate level in research, market analysis, communications, strategic planning and digital media. Additionally, Mike authors daily articles on strategy, creativity and innovation at http://Brainzooming.com/blog, where he’s been recognized as one of the top six innovation bloggers on the web.

Bernick-Head-Shot2Ads in Crosshairs: Editorial & Advertising in this New Multi-Media Age
MODERATOR: JEANNE BERNICK, American Agricultural Editors’ Association

Are you creating, selling or running ads that are unethical? Did you even know that was possible? Learn what’s right and wrong in this new, multi-media age. The session will kick off describing several examples of advertising that raised ethical concerns among editors.

A panel of agency, company and editorial representatives will comment on the examples, offer their thoughts on the issue, and discuss the need for continued conversation between advertising and editorial groups on ever-changing multi- media advertising forms.

PANELISTS: HOLLY MARTIN, High Plains Journal; SCOTT McCLURE, Brighton Agency AND DOUG REYNOLDS, DuPont Pioneer






Connection Point:

Looking for opportunities to place your company’s products and services before decision-makers in the ag marketplace? NAMA’s Connection Point is for you. Contact Lauren Giarratano to book your booth today.


Looking for other ways to get noticed? Get in touch with Jenny Pickett for sponsorship opportunities.


Register now  for the 2015 Agri-Marketing Conference, April 15-17, in Kansas City, MO. Visit the AMC homepage for conference, hotel and registration details. #NAMA15

Click here to view the entire 2015
Agri-Marketing Conference Brochure!

National Ag Day Presents the Charles Eastin Award

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 , 2:10 pm

Deadline Feb. 15, 2015

Guidelines & Application

To recognize the contributions of the hundreds of volunteers and leaders in the agriculture, food and fiber communities who are dedicated to increasing public awareness of agriculture’s vital role in our society, the Charles Eastin Outstanding Service Award will be presented to an outstanding individual who has contributed as an advocate for communications between farm and city.

—The nominee can be any person over 21 years of age.

—Current members of the Agriculture Council of America Board of Directors are not eligible.

—The person may be nominated by anyone active in agriculture.

—The completed application should be forwarded to the the Agriculture Council of America via email at [email protected] or submitted online at www.agday.org by February 15, 2015.

—A three-member committee, including at least one member of the ACA Board of Directors will judge     the applications and select the recipient.

—The award will be presented at the National Ag Day Luncheon in Washington, DC on March 18, 2015.

—The winner will be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses to attend the annual Farm-City event to receive the award including coach airfare or mileage for reasonable driving distance, 2 nights hotel room and a $50 per diem for meals and other expenses.

The Charles Eastin Outstanding Service Award is named in honor of Charles “Charlie” Eastin, DVM, who passed away at the age of 86 on January 28, 2011. Dr. Eastin played an important role as a board member of the National Farm-City Council for many years. He served as the 35th Chairman of the NFCC from 1992-1994 and through the years, has chaired and served on many committees. Through his efforts, Lexington, Kentucky hosted a NFCC National Conference in the early 1990’s. As chairman of the Rural Urban Committee, he worked to build and maintain collaboration between the Lexington Rotary Club and University of Kentucky to host activities to further National Farm-City Council goals during Farm-City Week every year.

Charlie’s passion and dedication will continue to inspire those who work on behalf of promoting a greater understanding between rural and urban folk. The award’s tradition continues with the acquision of the Farm City Council by the Agriculture Council of America The Agriculture Council of America is privileged to present this award in his honor.

The Passing of Bob Miller

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 , 2:09 pm

Robert Vaughn Miller, age 68, passed away January 11, 2015 at St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester Mayo. He graduated from the University of Missouri in 1969 with a B.S. in AG-Journalism. He was a member of the University Singers and had a great friendship with the director, Tom Mills. While earning his degree, he wrote for the Missourian and Missouri Ruralist. After graduating, he moved to Lincoln, IL, where he wrote for the Lincoln Courier. In 1971, he moved the family to Wisconsin and wrote for Farm Industry News at Webb Publishing Co. in St. Paul.

He worked briefly for Peterson-Morris Ad Agency before starting his own agency in 1975. It was later known as Miller-Meester Advertising, Inc. and at one time became the largest Ag agency in the nation, winning numerous awards including Telly, Clio, Oliver, and Gold Saber. His career spanned nearly four decades and he employed over 1500 people throughout the years.

For more information about Bob; visit this website.

Best of NAMA Awards Banquet Dates

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 , 2:08 pm

NAMA Regions and Chapters are making plans for their individual Best of NAMA Awards events.

We know you won’t want to miss these fun events, so we’re providing the various dates so you can add as many as you’d like to your calendar.  These will be updated on our site as additional information becomes available.

Region III Best of NAMA Awards Banquet
January 22, 2015 – Click to view the invitation.
World Food Prize Hall of Laureates
6:00 p.m.
Des Moines, IA
Click here to register for this event.

Southeastern Chapter Best of NAMA Awards Banquet
January 22, 2015
5:45 p.m.
Suwanee, GA
Click here to register for this event.

Carolinas/Virginia Best of NAMA Awards Reception
January 27, 2015 – Click to view the invitation.
Bee Care Center
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Raleigh, NC
Email Kayla Bullerman to RSVP

Region IV Best of NAMA Awards Banquet
January 29, 2015 – Click to view the invitation.
Harley-Davidson Museum
6:00 p.m.
Milwaukee, WI
Click here to register for this event.
If you are traveling from out of town, you can reserve a room at one of the following hotels: The Iron Horse Hotel (888) 543-4766, Hilton Milwaukee City Center (414) 271-7250 or DoubleTree by Hilton Milwaukee Downtown (414) 273-2950.

Visit the NAMA calendar frequently for updated information and links.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at (913) 491-6500.

Region II Best of NAMA Winners

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 , 2:07 pm

Check out some pictures from the Region II Best of NAMA Awards Banquet at the Boulevard Brewing Company in Kansas City, MO.

Click to view a list of the Region II Best of NAMA Award Winners!

NAMA_019Best of Show: Advertising
Dow AgroSciences, Bader Ruter: Surveil Campaign











Best of Show: Public Relations
Monsanto, Paradowski: Monsanto America’s Farmers “Begins with a Farmer”

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Northern Prairie NAMA Event

Written by NAMA on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 , 2:06 pm

January 29, 2015

Warm Up. Meet Up. Drink Up. After the Sioux Falls Farm Show

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Icon Event Hall – Annex Room
402 North Main Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD

Appetizers and one free drink. Warm up and learn about NAMA!

This Web site is hosted by the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA).
NAMA is not responsible for comments or views expressed by users.