Three Weeks Until National Ag Day

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 , 12:32 pm

The 2017 National Ag Day is just three short weeks away! See below for a schedule of all 2017 Ag Day activities. We hope to see you in D.C.!

Tuesday, March 21
Press Club Event
8:30 – 10:30 a.m.
529 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20045

Panel Discussion
Smart Farming: Producing Sustainable, Nutritious Food for Life

Moderator: Greg Horstmeier, DTN/The Progressive Farmer

Chip Bowling, NCGA Chairman, USFRA Vice Chair, Maryland Crop Farmer
Lauren Schwab, USFRA Face of Farming & Ranching, Ohio Pig Farmer
Dr. Bob Young, American Farm Bureau Federation
Beverly Flores, North American Media Relations and Communications, John Deere

Contest Winners & Outstanding Young Farmers Honored

Sponsored by AAEA, NAFB & USFRA
Click here to RSVP. 

Taste of Ag Reception
4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Capitol Visitor Center
Click here to RSVP.

Other Events in D.C.:

Monday, March 20
Agri-Pulse Reception
5:30- 7:30 p.m.
National Press Club
More information at

Find out more information about National Ag Day at!

And check out the 2017 Ag Day Blog for great articles that celebrate American agriculture.

Join NAMA & AAEA This Week at Commodity Classic

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 , 12:31 pm

You are invited to a joint cocktail reception hosted by the
American Agricultural Editors’ Association and the National Agri-Marketing Association at Commodity Classic in San Antonio!

When: Friday, March 3, 2017

Where: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 004

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Stop by after the trade show closes but before you head out to dinner!
We encourage you to bring a prospective member or guest to the reception.

No cost or registration necessary.

For any questions, contact Courtney Jackson, (706) 407-2550 or email [email protected].

Sponsorship help provided by BASF and
NAMA’s Chesapeake, Great Plains & Rocky Mountain Chapters.


NAMA Webinar Series 2017

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 , 12:31 pm

NAMA’s goal is to provide our members with quality professional presentations that provide explorations of relevant topics and practical tools they can employ. Webinars are a great way to share different successes within agri-marketing with NAMA members.

In order to continue improving our professional education opportunities, NAMA is now offering a new webinar each month. The cost for each webinar is $40 for NAMA members and $50 for non-members.

Please see below for the 2017 Webinar Calendar. Check this page often for updates.


March 30, 2017
Database Marketing in an Increasingly Digital and Impatient World
Steve Rao, Farm Market iD
Time: 1:00 p.m. (Central Time)
Click here to register.


Make Way for Geo-Targeting and Programmatic Advertising, the New World Ahead
Kay Wigle and Karl Ploeger, Swanson Russell


Securing the Future of Animal Agriculture: Connect, Engage, Protect
Hannah Thompson-Weeman, Animal Agriculture Alliance


Joint Webinar with Connectiv Agri Media Committee
More information will be available soon.


Amplifying Agriculture’s Authentic Voices: Project 155
Melanie Wilt, WiltPR


Move Over Content. Here Comes Connectivity. The Shifting Landscape of Communications.
Matt Kucharski and Tina Charpentier, PadillaCRT


September 14, 2017
Back to School for Social Media 101, What’s Changed?
John Blue, Truffle Media Networks
Time: 1:00 p.m. (Central Time)


Be Prepared – Don’t Wait for a Crisis to Protect Your Brand
Jane Dukes, MorganMyers


November 9, 2017
Synergy Between Marketing & Sales to Dominate Your Market
Greg Martinelli, Ag Sales Professionals


Winning the Name Game – How to Create Unforgettable Names
Mollie Young, Nametag International, Inc.

January 2018

Pulling Back the Curtain on Data and Targeting in the Programmatic Landscape
Kristin Rohlfing, Brighton Agency

NAMA Webinar: Database Marketing in an Increasingly Digital and Impatient World

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 , 12:31 pm

Key shifts in Ag Marketing are driving the urgency to act. This is caused by: Ongoing emergence of big data, shift of power to the farmer, increasing pressure to do more with less, recognition that loyalty drives performance and farmers are better informed today.

Traditional direct marketing, including direct mail, is still highly effective but should be combined with digital marketing and communications that integrates the messaging around a 4W (Who, What, Where and When) strategy for maximum efficacy.  Defining the Who, What, Where and When of Digital Marketing is key and a database strategy is essential.  Steven Rao, with Farm Market iD, will address.

  1. What is Database Marketing?
  2. The promise and potential of Database Marketing
  3. How does Digital factor into this?
  4. Marketing in a down Economy

Steven is a strategic executive with deep expertise in marketing, data and analytics with a broad industry background.  His expertise and knowledge, ranging from venture-backed enterprises to Fortune 500 companies, is valuable when working with clients to develop data solutions that will help achieve their strategic goals.  He brings a unique perspective to database marketing in agriculture due to his broad experience in delivering database marketing solutions across many industries.

Cost: $40 NAMA Members and $50 Non-members

Date: Thursday, March 30, 2017

Time: 1:00 p.m. Central Time

Click here to register!

Win a Free Conference Registration

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 , 12:31 pm

Recruit someone you know to become a NAMA member and be entered into a drawing for a complimentary registration* to the 2017 Agri-Marketing Conference in April. The campaign will run from February 16 through March 15. The drawing will take place March 16.

Simply tell your recruit to join at and add your name and company in the box titled “Referred by.”

The more members you recruit, the more your name will be entered into the drawing!

*Registration is non-transferable.

New NAMA Members

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 , 12:31 pm

New Member List:
Welcome our new members for February 2017:

Ryan Young, AgHires

Buffy Uglow, Rock River Laboratory

Paul Hillier, Tactix
Howard Mains, Tactix

Melissa Curtin, G&S Business Communications
Steven Oklesh, Syngenta

Kathryn Klaas, G&S Business Communications

Gary Templeman, Progressive Agriculture Foundation

Lauren Runge, Paradowski

Jennifer DuCray, Kemin Industries

Jeanne Storey, Indiana Crop Improvement

Patrick Froelich, Helena Chemical Company
Kim Holmberg, Journal Communications Inc.

Kaley Kane, Sullivan Higdon & Sink
Jake Peppiatt, Sullivan Higdon & Sink
Jen Tymeson, Sullivan Higdon & Sink

Michele Johnson, WinField United

Daniel Call, Seed Consultants

Charmayne Hefley, Natl. Cattlemen’s Beef Assn.
Kyle Partain, American Sheep Industry Association
Richard Serby, GeoSearch, Inc.

Samantha Carpenter, Alabama Farmers Cooperative
Gary Templeman, Progressive Agriculture Foundation

Alysha Miller, Gowan Company
Michael Thomas, Gowan Company

Josh Bohannan, Helena Chemical Company
Nick Cardona, Bio Huma Netics
Taylor Hillman, AgNet West Radio Network
Jeff Zenner, Jeff Zenner Photography

Iowa Chapter Event

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 , 12:31 pm

Join the Iowa NAMA chapter for networking, lunch, and to learn from a panel of ag marketing agency experts discussing how the agency business is evolving. Learn how agencies are adapting to suit the ever-changing needs of their ag industry clients, along with an opportunity to ask the panel what you would like to know.

The panel includes:
Doug Jeske, President and owner of Meyocks, a branding and advertising agency focused on agricultural, food and health brands. Ag brands they work with include:
• AgDirect
• Agrilabs
• Dragotec USA
• Farm Credit Services of America

Pat Reese, Senior VP Media Director at Sandbox, an agency group with five locations who’s clients include large ag clients including:
• Elanco Animal Health
• John Deere Ag Equipment
• John Deere Financial
• Monsanto
• National Cattlemen Beef Association
• National Pork Producers Council
• World Pork Expo

Greg Ehm, Public Relations Director at Two Rivers Marketing, a leading B2B marketing agency based in Des Moines. Their ag clients include:
• Bobcat
• John Deere Financial
• John Deere Power Systems
• Renewable Energy Group
• Titan Tire
• Zinpro

11:30 a.m. – Networking and Lunch

12 p.m. – 1 p.m. – Panel Discussion and Q&A

Please register by Thursday, March 9th.


Questions? Contact Ellie Weiss or visit the website

This Web site is hosted by the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA).
NAMA is not responsible for comments or views expressed by users.