MoKan NAMA Gives Back …To Back
In back-to-back days during the recent holidays, the MoKan Chapter of NAMA spent time giving back in honor of the season. On December 15, members joined our Trinkets ’n’ Trash social hour for a White Elephant gift exchange, where industry swag – and a few festive laughs – were swapped. More importantly, all registration fees from the meeting were presented as a holiday donation to Kansas City Toys for Tots.
The holiday donation, totaling $500, was presented the following day at the office of Woodruff Sweitzer in midtown Kansas City. Accepting the check were retirees of the U.S. Marine Corps. The contribution was used to buy toys at a local Toys-R-Us, but not before Toys-R-Us matched the funds dollar-for-dollar, which allowed for $1,000 worth of gifts to be purchased … and the hopes of making some children’s’ Christmas more merry.
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