NAMA Webinar: Understanding the Next Generation of Farmers

Written by NAMA on Thursday, February 16, 2017 , 10:22 am

Understanding the Next Generation of Farmers

Join Jan Johnson, Millennium Research, and NAMA on Thursday, February 23 for the first in a monthly series of NAMA webinars for 2017.

Millennium Research’s Young Farmers Study is a comprehensive look at a continuing study started one year ago, and includes previously-unreleased findings from the company’s other publicly available work for the National Association of Farm Broadcasting and the Farmer Speaks panel. The study combines primary and secondary research with social media mining and ethnography, as well as Millennium’s proprietary Empathic Method™ of gaining superior market insight. You will learn: What messages and mediums appeal to this generation’s unique perspective on agriculture?

Jan Johnson is president of Millennium Research, a boutique marketing insights firm that helps agribusiness companies design better products and communicate more successfully with farmer customers and other outdoor entrepreneurs, using the proprietary six-step Empathic Method.  This year marks the company’s 20 year anniversary.

Thursday, February 23
2:30 p.m. Eastern
1:30 p.m. Central
12:30 p.m. Mountain
11:30 a.m. PacificCost:  
Members: $40
Non-Members: $50

Click here to register for this webinar!

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