Cornbelt Chapter Event

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 , 12:31 pm

Cornbelt NAMA would like to invite you to the 31st Annual Celebration of Agriculture Dinner on Tuesday, March 21.

A table will be reserved for Cornbelt members.  Please contact the Treasurer, Terry Reilly, by March 10.

The 2017 “Celebration” will be held at the DoubleTree Convention Complex, Exhibit Hall A, in downtown Cedar Rapids at 350 First Avenue NE.

A reception (cocktail hour) begins at 6:00 pm, followed by dinner at 7:00 pm and concludes with the program at 8:00 pm.

This year the speaker will be Robert Dinneen, President and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA).  The RFA is the leading trade association for America’s ethanol industry.  Collectively representing the majority of U.S. ethanol industry leaders and supports, their mission is to increase the production and use of renewable fuels and to create a dynamic, robust ethanol industry.

Tickets: $40 per person

Please contact Terry at [email protected] for reservations or call 319-398-2646 or 800-475-6655.

Hope to see you there – and please note – special parking arrangements have been negotiated so there will be no charge for attendees to park in either the Convention Center or Five Seasons ramps.

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