Cornhusker Chapter & Apps

Written by NAMA on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 , 3:48 pm

We’re all spending a lot more time with our phones these days, and 90% of our phone time is channeled through mobile apps. The Cornhusker NAMA meeting on February 28th focused on those mobile apps.

First attendees heard from Dan Kuyper, Vice President of iNet Solutions Group, agriculture’s app creator. Dan shared that they have developed over 100 apps for companies and organizations in the ag space. Kuyper says one common mistake made when starting an app project is to underestimate the amount of work it takes. Another mistake is trying to make the app all things to all people. Strategy needs to come first.

The next part of the meeting was a discussion, led by Kara Heideman, about the apps that we use – to make our lives more productive, or just better in some way.

The last segment of the meeting was focused on preparing the Nebraska NAMA student chapter for the national marketing competition in April.

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