Who Won Best of Show?
This year, a Task Force was formed to take a look at various elements of the Best of NAMA program. Specifically these elements were the Judging Process, the Ceremony and the Awards themselves.
One of the changes adopted is how the Best of Show winners are recognized. The winners and Best of Show winners will be presented at the Best of NAMA Ceremony that kicks off the 2006 Agri-Marketing Conference & Trade Show, April 19-21 in Kansas City.
Winners in the 69 categories will be featured in the April issue of Agri Marketing magazine. Traditionally the Best of Show winners would be featured in the April issue, but not this year. To heighten the element of surprise the Best of Show winners will be featured in the June issue. Task force participants felt that if Best of Show winners were interviewed prior to the ceremony it took away from the award. So, if you don’t get a call from Agri Marketing in March, it doesn’t mean you didn’t win Best of Show. You’ll just have to attend the April 19 ceremony to find out.
To register for the 2006 Agri-Marketing Conference & Trade Show visit, https://nama.org/amc/register.html.
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