Welcome To NAMA!

Written by NAMA on Thursday, February 23, 2006 , 10:49 am

Since January 18, we’ve had 24 new members join NAMA. Please welcome:

At Large:
Mike Mason, The Farm Credit Council
Clarence Shwaluk, Ridley Inc.

Paul Ketring, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation (referred by Tom Thieding, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation)
John Koetz, CNH (referred by Claudia Garber, CNH)

CAMA Ontario:
Kelly Dundas, Annex Publishing and Printing, Inc. (referred by Peter Phillips, Annex Publishing and Printing, Inc.)

Amy Schavey, USDA/NASS

Darby Bauer, Pfizer, Inc.

Roger Gardner, Brownfield

Beverly Long, GROWMARK, Inc. (referred by Krista Wolf, GROWMARK, Inc.)

Roxi Beck, Osborn & Barr Communications
Trina Flack, Ames Convention & Visitors Bureau
Daryl Lewis, Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance

Erin Clancy, Dow AgroSciences

Cabrini Osterhaus, USC, LLC
Joni Woodruff, Pinnacle Sports Productions (referred by Jamie Linn, Pinnacle Sports Productions)

Amanda Erichsen, Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity
Jason Laqua, AdFarm (referred by Sherri Cooper, AdFarm)
Shawna Robertson, AdFarm (referred by Sherri Cooper, AdFarm)

North Central:
Mary Hammer, Red Wing Software, Inc. (referred by Christy Parker, Red Wing Software, Inc.)
Kristin Harner, Minnesota Farm Bureau Public Relations
Teri Otte, CHS, Inc.
Rich Pelzel, Zinpro Corporation

Kim Knoll, AGCO Corporation

Michael Lau, Sam Houston State University

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