Who To Contact?
Ever wonder who to contact when you change addresses? If you have moved, please let us know of your new address so that all NAMA information will be sent to the correct address. To change your address and the way it’s listed in the NAMA on-line membership directory, simply log-in to the directory at http://www.nama.org/directory.htm, and click on the “submit change” button to change your information.
When you first sign up for your NAMA membership, your address is given to AgriMarketing Magazine so that you receive their subscription for free. However, if you move, not only will you need to change your address with NAMA, you will also have to change your address with AgriMarketing. Changing your information with NAMA only will not change the address to which the magazine is sent to you. To change your subscription address with AgriMarketing, please visit, http://agrimarketing.com/renew and click on the “address change” link. You CANNOT change the name on the AgriMarketing subscription.
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