ABEF Casino Night

Written by NAMA on Friday, December 1, 2006 , 8:23 am

Casino NightThe Agri-Business Educational Foundation (ABEF) hosted a Casino Night on Tuesday, November 14, during the Agribusiness Forum Welcome Reception. Proceeds from the Casino Night benefit the ABEF in support of the NAMA Student Careers Program.

Attendees enjoyed a little gambling with play money and, at the end of the evening, cashed in their chips in hopes of taking home a first, second, or third place prize. The first place prize went to Russ Parker, J.L. Farmakis. Second place was won by John Vasichek, Red River Farm Network. The third place prize went to Christy Borrowman, Blasdel Cleaver Schwalbe Communications. 

In addition, for every $1,000 in chips that the attendees turned in, their name was entered into a drawing for 2007 Agri-Marketing Conference & Trade Show registration. It was Christy Borrowman’s lucky day as she also won the conference registration.

Special thanks to all who participated in the ABEF Casino Night and to the sponsors of the event:

FMC Corporation
National Pork Board
Rhea & Kaiser
John Deere
CMA Consulting
Blasdel Cleaver Schwalbe Communications
KFRM Radio – The Voice of the Plains
J.L. Farmakis
Pioneer Hi-Bred Intl., Inc.
High Plains Journal
Ayres Kahler

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