MoKan Learns About Biotechnology

Written by NAMA on Monday, December 11, 2006 , 8:03 am

Bill HoranThirty-six members and guests of the MoKan NAMA Chapter met at Union Station on Nov. 14, prior to the kick-off of the NAMA Agribusiness Forum in Kansas City. 

Attendees enjoyed a buffet lunch followed by the program with featured speaker Bill Horan, a producer from Iowa and Board member for the Truth About Trade and Technology.

Horan said he and his brother use the same approach to farming that Wayne Gretsky used to play hockey. Gretsky tried to move where he thought the puck would be not where it currently was, and Horan said they tried to make business decisions based on where trends were headed not where they currently were.

Horan went on to say that knowledge, information and relationships were more important in farming today than capital. He also talked about identity preserved crops and the biodiesel industry, as he has invested in both technologies.

Join MoKan NAMA on December 13 for an evening meeting on ethanol.

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