Chapter Best of NAMA Events
In addition to the regional Best of NAMA events, two chapters will also be having events to celebrate those who won first or merit within their chapters. Everyone is invited to attend the chapter ceremonies.
The Carolinas/Virginia chapter will be hosting a Best of NAMA ceremony on January 16 in the Martin Building at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, NC.
The ceremony will begin with registration and networking at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m.The awards program will follow dinner at 7:00 p.m. A cash bar will be provided. Cost for the event is $50 for members and guests and $20 for students.
Register on-line for the Carolinas/Virginia Best of NAMA ceremony at (please include the name and date of the event you are attending in the comments box).
Special thanks to the sponsors of the Carolinas/Virginia Best of NAMA ceremony:
Exhibit Resources
Gibbs & Soell, Inc.
Brand Fuel Promotions
John Deere
Prism Business Media
The Midsouth chapter will be hosting their ceremony on January 18 at The Tower Room American Grille in Memphis, TN. The ceremony will begin with cocktails at 7:00 p.m. Cost for the event is $40 per person and will include heavy hors d’oeurves, beer, and wine.
For more information on the Midsouth Best of NAMA ceremony visit,
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