Closing Presenter Emphasizes Connections as Key to Life Balance
“You are never, ever going to get it all done.”
With that candid admission along with a heartfelt, personal story, three-time bestselling author Mary LoVerde commenced the Closing Session of the Agri-Marketing Conference on April 18, 2008.
LoVerde, an internationally recognized life balance expert, described the experiences that led her to a career change and what she discovered brings life’s true happiness: connections. Connections with yourself. Connections with family and friends. Connections with colleagues and clients.
“When you can’t keep up, connect!” she insisted.
LoVerde believes much of today’s workforce is disconnected and exhausted. Life balance benefits, she asserted, will be the single most important recruitment tool in the years ahead.
In addition to making more connections, LoVerde advised the audience to establish meaningful rituals that provide stability and predictability. She encouraged the audience to plan for romance, which includes embracing the language, art and beauty around us all.
“Our legacy will not be a stack of completed to-do lists,” she said.
Peppered with inspiring and humorous anecdotes, LoVerde’s session was greeted with roaring laughter and applause.
Special thanks to the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and Elanco Animal Health for sponsoring the Closing Session!
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