Iowa NAMA November Program
Maximize Your Advertising Strategies and ROI – New Media Planning Tool from NAFB
Presenters for the Iowa NAMA November Program: Sara Steever, VP, Digital Services and Greg Guse, President, Paulsen Marketing
What began as a sketch on a napkin by a few National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) members has become a way to help media professionals find farm broadcast opportunities. NAFB took the idea from that sketch to Paulsen, asking to develop an online application that helps media buyers and agencies understand and plan their farm broadcasting opportunities within their geo-footprint. The end result is a powerful web application that brings together four separate sources of data-NAFB member information, USDA census data, Ag Media Research (AMR) data and standardized signal mapping of coverage areas-together in an easy-to-use interface. The data is then combined with Google’s mapping API (Application Programming Interface).
Here’s how it works:
Media buyers select states or counties that fit their client’s territory. They can use USDA heat maps to determine the best producing counties or states for commodities. Once those selections are made, all NAFB member stations and networks pop up on the map interface. The media buyer can click to learn more about those members, including contact information. Automatically-generated AMR data matches the county footprint selected, and that data can be exported into Excel. Media buyers can save their work and return later to edit the saved data or create more new territories. NAFB member stations, networks and rep firms can add information like farm broadcaster bios and programming schedules into the system, so media buyers can contact NAFB members for their media purchases. There are quick reference tools for TV and online broadcast members as well as stations, networks and rep firms.
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