ABEF Media Auction: Get Your Bids In Soon!

Written by NAMA on Friday, October 3, 2014 , 3:51 pm

The ABEF Media Auction will be closing soon – make sure to get your bids in! The auction will close on Wednesday, October 15. Proceeds from this auction support the NAMA Student Careers Program.

If a bid is received on an item within the last 30 minutes of the auction, the auction will remain open on that item through the next business day until 5:00 p.m. (central time). This process will continue until no bids are received within 30 minutes of the bid closing.

The purchaser of the item is obligated to pay the purchase price to the ABEF even if the item is not used. Any resolution of conflict between the buyer and donating company will not remove the obligation of the buyer to pay the purchase price to ABEF.

For more information please contact Jenny Pickett in the NAMA office at (913) 491-6500 or email to [email protected]

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