MoKan NAMA Bridges Generational Gap
About 40 members and guests attended the February Mo-Kan NAMA meeting at the Golden Ox in Kansas City, Mo., on Feb. 18.
Following a buffet lunch, attendees were treated to the feature presentation by Carl L. Medley, Vice President, Business Strategist and Inspirational Speaker for Customer Communications Group. Medley’s presentation focused on the different generations in today’s workforce, and how they have different values, priorities, strengths and weaknesses.
The Matures, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and soon the Millennials are all valuable members of today’s workforce, but all have different experiences and values. Medley stresses there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to managing or marketing to these different groups.
Following the presentation, the NAMA Chapter drew for a cash door prize, which was won by Lori Kruger of Woodruff Sweitzer. Mo-Kan NAMA also held a drawing for free registration to the National NAMA Convention in April in Atlanta. That drawing was won by Stephanie Meyers of Osborn & Barr.
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